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Wellington: The No Longer Vanishing Cockapoo

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On walks Wellington would constantly disappear for long periods of time: off chasing rabbits, or any scent. The problem was that he was treat-trained, and whatever he was chasing was far more interesting than the treats in my pocket. As result I had no real bond with him. Wellington saw me as a provider, and made his own decisions. Our relationship was stressful. None of the dog trainers near where I lived could help, but I spent a fortune getting their advice.

A Kelford client I met by chance suggested Kelly. An in depth phone call led to me enrolling on a Kelford platinum training course. Kelly showed me how to handle and communicate with Wellington correctly, putting a stop to the treats in order to ‘rebalance’ him. It was like learning a whole new language, and having a new relationship. Kelly helped me understand his breed traits, the effect of the mix of spaniel and poodle, and how this  affected the way Wellington saw the world. What he needed was clear direction from me that was calm, assertive and consistent. Kelly taught me so much over the following months, nothing was ever too much trouble.

It took time, but handling Wellington correctly has transformed our bond, which has become incredibly precious and untouchable. It’s as if he’s a part of me. He still sniffs around and is interested in the world but he no longer runs off, because he wants to find out what I want. As result, he is never far from me:  a beautiful companion, capable and easy-going – a dream dog. The training worked wonders.

Linda Ivereigh

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