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Puppy selection Service

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Kelford Puppy Selection Service

We offer a Puppy Selection Service at KELFORD to ensure the canine companion is suitable for the clients specific lifestyle and match their personal requirements.

The character traits of the canine along with the canine being clear of health issues are extremely important when you consider the canine will be a family member for many years.

We source reputable breeders on behalf of our clients. Once the breed has been decided upon, we investigate the lines of any potentially quality litters of the selected breed. We liaise with the breeder on behalf of the client and pick the appropriate puppy on behalf of the client (if required). Throughout the process we communicate with the client to ensure they are happy during each stage of the process.

Channelling the canine correctly from day 1 (8 weeks old) will ensure he/she enhances your existing lifestyle, rather than causing disruption to the existing family unit.

We offer the Puppy Foundation Program which covers all of the base disciplines to ensure a puppy enters the family obedient, happy and willing to please. All training here is based on Calm energy and does not incorporate the use of treats as lures or other current gimmicks. KELFORD Training produces fulfilled, happy, confident, obedient canines that look to the owner to please.

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