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Kelford Residential Training

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8 Week Intensive Training Programme

Kelford Dog Training Centre UK has been specifically designed to provide a unique training environment for residential dog training without owner. In addition to our dog training holidays, at Kelford we have facilities carefully designed for residential dog training.

Any dog participating in the Kelford residential dog training option will be trained to the required standard decided by the owner on assessment and this will be achieved during the dogs stay at Kelford. Once the dog reaches the required standard we do not simply hand the dog back, but instead realize the importance of owner education and handling of their newly trained and well-mannered canine.

The residential dog training offered by Kelford is unique in the training methods used. At Kelford we put utmost importance in introducing a dog to calming training techniques which in turn maximize the canine/human relationship once the dog has completed its residential dog training course. You, the client, will be educated in both theory and practical handling skills to ensure you are competent in handling your well mannered canine companion.

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Where will my dog stay?

We offer a variety of residential dog training options, with the dog staying in either a kennel environment or actually living at home with the Personal Trainer assigned to training your dog. You will have contact with your personal trainer whilst the dog is participating in the residential dog training program and regular updates and photographs will be provided.

Here at Kelford we offer a unique environment specifically designed for the residential training of your canine without owner. Your dog will be trained to the standard required before the reintroduction process commences.

On the day of collection, prior to the reintroduction, you the owner will attend a workshop in the KELFORD Lodge. This is when you will learn the theory of KELFORD Training & become comfortable and competent in how to communicate correctly with your well mannered, educated canine friend using techniques unique to KELFORD.

Unlike a boarding kennel, our training facility incorporates the use of our established canine pack in educating new arrivals.  This ensures any pupil settles swiftly and feels confident in the unfamiliar surroundings. No dog is isolated neither does it suffer separation anxiety. Your dog will live with your personal trainer in their home environment for the duration of their stay.

Training is carried out every day. You are kept updated with progress via email & telephone. Daily duration of training depends on training requirements and age of dog, and how much your canine companion is able to absorb and positively respond to. Amount of training per day may range from several 15 min durations with intervals of relaxation or play periods for young puppies, through to full days training for adult dogs that require intense training, or whose progress will be maximized through long periods of training.

KELFORD Residential Training is based on; – not only the mind set of the specific breed or combination breed, but considers any training to date, behaviour issues, lifestyle, owner’s handling capabilities and importantly owners expectations

At KELFORD we are breed Specialists, Behaviourists and Canine Therapists with many years of experience of successfully educating the canine to display excellent manners, live life anxiety free, and to suit the lifestyle of the individual owner,- whilst ensuring the canine enjoys a fulfilled life. That is, KELFORD techniques do not alter the base personality of the canine, but channels the canine’s capabilities and enthusiasm to suit the lifestyle it finds itself part of. In short,- the canine is educated to live in a human environment successfully, enabling that canine to enhance the lifestyle of the owner.

Our techniques are kind, positive, and highly productive. There are no treats used to lure the canine, neither are any of the KELFORD techniques harsh. In fact we utilise the Essential Touch Points as a means of calm, kind connection, which prove beneficial for the wellbeing of the handler/owner as well as the canine, and ensures the development of a solid canine/human trust respect bond.

We have successfully educated numerous breeds of canine over a number of years, having been established since 1978. No resident pupil is attended/trained by a trainee, but is educated and guided by a Senior Trainer/Behaviourist/Therapist. That way no mistakes are ever made to confuse the canine, and maximum potential is attained.

The canine pupil lives in the home of the Personal Trainer, and is educated throughout the duration of stay. Training is not just for a couple of hours per day, as with may Residential Programs offered elsewhere, but your canine is educated throughout each day & evening. Each canine admitted to KELFORD is handled & communicated with correctly at all times, attends interactions with perfect guidance. Educated  not only at the Training Centre, in the home of the Personal Trainer,  but in town environments such as Shopping Centres, Garden Centres, Bistros, etc… plus is educated in the presence of live stock, should this be required.

At KELFORD we have a team of highly trained canines that, when required, assist us in accelerating the learning process of the Guest Canine.

Weekly updates are provided directly to the owner via email throughout the duration of stay.

The Bespoke Program is designed in advance of admission for the owners approval. It is essential that the owner is willing to provide in -depth detail on the canine, as much information is required to ensure the perfect bespoke program is designed.All data is confidential. Please see our terms and conditions.

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Each canine is assessed on day of admission with or without owner. If owner is utilising the Pet Taxi Service and does not intend to attend admission, we shall require video clips of the canine to be forward to us in advance of stay. If owner is attending the assessment,  it will be carried out on day of admission during the face to face consultation.

On completion of training, the owner will be required to attend Handler Training which incorporates both theory and practical application.

Each canine attending the 8 week Residential Training Program is offered Lifelong VIP Membership as part of the Package. This includes the use of the exclusive care service throughout the life of the canine.We require regular updates once the educated canine returns home, to ensure the reintroduction is carried out successfully.

At KELFORD we train canines from around the globe, and successfully select and educate them for specific purpose. Every canine admitted is well cared for, and sympathetically guided through the bespoke program designed for the specific owner and canine.

We do not admit numerous canines at any one time. For that reason we ensure the environment is welcoming and calm for your canine to enjoy.  A member of our canine team will be carefully selected to assist the Personal Trainer in educating your canine successfully.

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See What Our Customers Say

“From first meeting Kelly, and then through the whole Kelford Puppy Selection process and training, her service and attention to detail was second to none. Kelly’s knowledge of dog behaviour and the techniques she uses are quite extraordinary and a privilege to witness. As a family we couldn’t recommend her highly enough.”

Sue Lloyd

“Kelford demonstrated a very clear and logical philosophy from the start of the residential training programme, based on their knowledge and experience of canine psychology. Their approach aims to educate the owner as much as the dog, and is very thorough and detailed. Communication was excellent following the programme; Lyndon provided first-class support and advice when I was putting the techniques into practice.”

Tess C

“The service provided by Kelford is absolutely amazing. The request to Kelford to initially search for our puppy was wonderfully successful. The subsequent training has been superb. We have a lovely new addition to our family who has been professionally trained to a very high standard. Cannot speak too highly of the professional service provided by this company.”


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